Thursday, March 25, 2010


I pride myself on not being stupid - but it took me 2 hours to find the right bill. I found the reconciliation bill quickly - but this was like a scavenger hunt. First I went to the US House of Representatives website and it was difficult to search without a bill number. Then I went to the US Senate website - and this one was even more difficult. So after checking out articles and summaries of recent legislation - I went back to the House website and finally found it. And then you think - yea..... I did it - but NO..... There were 6 or 7 versions of this bill and so then you had to find the only one that had been passed by both the house and senate. I finally found it. HR 3590. God forbid you should try to go to your congressman's website for important information -- all they do is brag about what THEY have done- you would think that they were the only ones working on capital hill (yes - it is not worthy of capital letters). So I will start reading the health care bill passed by both houses and hopefully we can figure some of it out before the November elections. Here goes again..........

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Given all the political and media hype about the health care bill - I have decided to actually be one of those rare people and read the health care bill passed by the house of representatives on Sunday night and also read the Reconciliation Bill and actually try and explain what is in it. I am not for or against the bills - no one has explained what is actually in those bills. So I will try to the best of my ability to read them and translate them for the average person trying to make health care decisions. So stay tuned and wish me luck - I will start with the Reconciliation Bill and will try to read some each day and post my discoveries. I hope this reading will not put me to sleep. Here goes.....